Terms & Conditions


Please note we do not offer any refunds or transfers. Refunds will only be offered if the course gets cancelled on our behalf.


Any child unable to attend the session should notify Isabella Regnante at One Stop Party Shop via Email info@onestopparty.co.uk or text message on 07792668447 at their earliest convenience prior to the course. The message may not always be responded to, it is simply to make us aware that your child will be absent from the course.


All Uniform is available to purchase directly from One Stop Party Shop. Pricelist for all Uniform/Merchandise will be available on request. Orders will be placed once payment has been received via BACS and can take up to 2-3 weeks to be printed and dispatched. All Uniform should be labelled appropriately.


Children must bring along a packed lunch with plenty of healthy snacks and a full up water bottle. Please do not include any foods containing nuts due to allergies. Water bottles will be refilled during the day to keep the children hydrated and breaks will be scheduled for snacks and toilet runs.


Parents must inform the course leader of any injuries or illness regarding their child, prior to their course commencing. Physical contact may be necessary when demonstrating activities during the workshops.

For all courses, please make sure your child does not bring any toys/valuables on to the premises including mobile phones. The Manager cannot undertake any responsibility for the loss of or damage to any valuables left on the premises.


Children are expected to conduct themselves in a disciplined manner whilst attending our Schools Out Funs In School Holiday Academies and be respectful to both course leaders and class pupils at all times. This will ensure the safety and well-being of everyone.

The Manager reserves the right to exclude children from the course who misbehave or break the rules.


Often One Stop Party Shop may video or photograph the courses for use on our website or in Press and Publicity information. By signing our registration form attached, you will be agreeing to your child being included, without permission being requested for each and every individual occasion.